Saturday, November 10, 2007

Yesterday's child

Like scar tissue, the past strangles and constricts
You cannot move and you cannot breathe
Judgement passed merely on your actions
No recourse, no forgiveness, no salvation

It is the same in the courts of men
Where age old questions of love and war were tried
Then why should matters of the heart be spared
Mercy is but a preacher's living fare

The guttural scream of change reverberates in you
But there is no sound, gagged by deeds
A lamp tries to shine away the darkness of yesterday
But they will put it out, to die as you were born

A friend of mine once told me about the muslim belief that every person has a log in heaven where his good deeds and bad deeds are recorded. It could be imagined to be like an accountants book with a side for credit and debit. When you die, you will be judged by the things in that book. Far for me to assume knowledge of afterlife, I am a heathen anyway. But it has been a painful discovery for me that such a book is kept in our time as well, in the minds of people. And its true even for people you are closest with. You will be judged everyday on the credits and debits that you make. You may think that you are doing something you enjoy with no conditions or expectations, but you are wrong. Everything is measured. Even seemingly irrelevant actions. These small debits add up to increase the red side of the book that will be used to judge you when the time comes. When you debit too much, ill will comes in which is hard to wipe out no matter how big a credit or sacrifice you are willing to make.

So people, don't fall into the folly of being complacent. Always try to live your life knowing that you have to make as much credits as you are making debits. To give as much as you get, if not more. To love as much as you want to be loved.

And if you do fall into the red like me, try to redeem yourself. Even though it is hard and seems impossible. Even if you are likely to fail, at least you would have passionately fought for what you believed in.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Adios Glasgow

So I have this ritual, see..whenever I leave a place, I try to write down something about the people I have come to know there. I figured it will be a good memory to mull over in future. When I was in 10th and 12th, I actually drew cartoons of my friends and one para write ups for all my dorm mates. Did the same in engineering for my immediate group. Didnt really do it for MBA, but thats because the college itself printed out this book with writeups on everybody...and I was involved in the write ups for a few of my close friends. So, to keep up with tradition, am doing one for my colleaugues here who have become good friends over the past ten months. But this being a public domain, I have to effectively mask their names with character specific nicks...but then I remember the older paras written in my private journal, and that private journal has gone through my bro, sis and whos to say what stays private...

Verbose venkat - This guy is a junior of mine. Ever the smiling and cheerful guy, and totally mallu. He is really capable for one so young and with little experience in anything, but his defining point is his long and verbose emails..yes he is attempting the he actually tries to use big words in everyday language...and it comes across as forced..He helped a lot for me to set up in this place, so am ever indebted to him. He has a very characteristic laugh, more of a sneer like a hyena actually which is sure to make you laugh

Mamma's boy Meiyappan - Meiy is the nuts and bolts technical guy of the team. All he wants to do is work. And if you gou out with him, all he wants to talk about is work. He cannot forget files and loads and uploads and schedules and support for half an hour. Although this was a pain in many ways, I wouldnt have got through my job without his help. Especially when I am trying to act as the business manager who understands the business and in reality, I am new to the business and completely clueless about the technology. So Meiy was largely responsible for easing me up the learning curve, to the point where I got accolades from the client. He has some other peculiarities feeling hot even in 4 degree celsius weather, only able to digest home cooked food and always being concerned about work...yep that is a peculiarity which has to be mentioned twice.

Yappety Yap Yamini - For a traditional girl from the heartlands of Karnataka, she is talkative. Endless yapping about things I am not really interested in. I had to develop a mechanism to close my mind and think of other important things during those sessions. Yamini used to stay with Meiy and they did act pretty much like a couple. But being the nice traditional kids they were, she actually went back to find an arranged marriage via her parents. I felt they were really denying whatever they were feeling...but then thats just a guess. She loved cracking sad jokes and sending forwards. But you had to agree that she is one of those who are ever cheerful and full of life...unlike morose looming depressives like us lot...a fervent shopper, u wont believe the tons of garbage she buys.

Beeran Bhadru - The chubby bub who is ever smiling and always has an interesting story to tell. Very negligent about his work, but always interested in beer and booze. He is someone who used to have beer before and after breakfast!! The guys mellowed down a lot after marriage. He would ask for a 100 confirmations before doing anything and always needs someone to direct everything. But the nights out in town wouldnt have been half as much fun if it werent for him.

Dowry Divakaran - The self confessed creorepati from Andra. A gult who took up IT because he needed something to bide his time and didnt want to go into farming like his Dad. Hes worth a few crores in dowry in the competitive marriage markets of the Gult he tells us. And he is onsite, so that his market value will increase a bit! Its as if you picked up a simpleton from the villages of India and put him in an IT office. He is extremely good with the technology he works on..and is strongly opinionated on everything. Happy go lucky no care attitude!

Slow Selvaratnam - This family man is the most cool and collected guy I have ever seen. Even in an emergency situation, he takes his time to respond..always composed and always accurate. He even walks in a slow and sure manner, as if he calculates the optimum arc for his leg to follow before placing the next step. Some great experience in him and he used to give valuable advice on how to go about doing things.

Trader Thankappan - Trader is a really amazing guy. You would think so too, if you knew that his background is a graduate and is working in testing services. I dont understand what it is about him, but he can floor women really smoothly. And he has had a string of girlfriends here before his current long term relationship...He is a self taught finance expert and stock trader. If you though profiting from day trading and minor changes in stock price was something done only by big investment firms who have lots of money to play with, you are wrong. This guy understands market timing really well, and continuosly churns a daily profit from his day trading. His aim is to be able to support himself by trading alone, so that he is not bound by the constraints of a blue collar job.
So what is dysfunction all about?..Dysfunctional relationships don't just mean sexual and physical abuse, nor is it limited to families where family members are detrimentally enslaved to their respective addictions. It could be a family where people have learned to live without love. To be there just for the sake of it, because the blood lines have to be maintained. And what's it like? Pretty sad, to be in a place where family members feel limited and constrained to the moulds society has prepared..where the love and affection that is supposed to be the basis of a family is just absent! It saddens you deeply, and although you want to, you know that there is really nothing you can do to change the situation. All that you can hope for is that you don't fall into the same trap. That the family you create with your significant other does not follow the same path. You hope that the lives of your significant other and your children are not affected by all this baggage that you have.

Somehow, these days, everything in my extended family and that in my own seem quite dysfunctional. I remember everything being so pleasant and good when I was young. I guess the younglings are shielded from such facts and so they grow up feeling they have a perfect and happy family. Then suddenly one day, they're grown and up and everything they used to know is very different. Why do families have to be so schizophrenic? everything is a facade..and this true for most families I know..

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Pin Up

Pin up girl from one of the high street fashion mags. Black Ink on paper.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

So the job search over a long time has finally come to fruition. It would not have been possible without the help of my ex (or ex-in-doubt, or ex-mulling-over-it or current-pending-decision - Hope its the latter). Now it is left to me to manage a clean break from my current masters to the new ones. But I am looking forward to the new experience and the new learning it will bring. I have decided to not be hung up on where I am vis-a-vis others, but rather to enjoy the job and everything else life brings as it comes. My ex is a great example of that principle.

Only thing is I am still hung up on her, that doesnt seem to change. She speaks to me now and is generally in a better mood than she used to be with me. Obvously I am worried that whatever I do, I cannot compare with the excitement and sparks of a new relationship.

I have asked myself the question, this is your first relationship anyway, so what if it did not work out, why not move on find something new. This will count as experience for the next time. I tried but this line of thought is not easy..for one I cant think of anyone else in place of her (she's kind of perfect in her own ways). Secondly, for the first time in life I know what I want to do with life. I want to settle down, to have kids, to travel places ..(not get a big job, earn lots of money, have a big house)...I want all those things, and then it always feels like a subtext...that I want to do these with her...Sigh.

But if comes down to a clean break from her as well, then I guess there is no alternative but to move on. We have to make our peace with that.

Sunday, October 7, 2007 with them is hard work, but then being without them is even harder. There are so many little wheels, cogs and subconcsious undercurrents that you can never be sure that you understand them. They will say they want something, but really that is not enough. You have to be able to exceed her expectations, to be creative and to show that you really care. You try to probe what they are feeling and you just feel overwhelmed and lost in the complexity of their thoughts. Kudos to guys who are 'plugged' in to what their significant other really feels.

But all the glitches, misfires and subsequent heartbreaks later...the good moments are so worth it..Thats why we keep coming back.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Wish I could take back everything I did. I cant believe the way I treated her. And fact is, I am a nice guy and not a bad person...ask anybody. Yet for all the time she was with me and loved me to no end, she was the one I treated the worst. How was I so thick skinned as to not realise what was happening.I think I treated/appreciated colleagues and friends more than the appreciation I showed her. I deserve all this and more..There were so many signs, she even told me and I grossly misjudged the severity of the hurt I was causing...

How do we become so blind, oblivious and take someone so close for granted..I have to stop my extreme focus on my has given me tunnel vision..not allowing me to see any of the things I am doing to my loved ones...Guess my being bad at staying in touch with friends and family can also be explained by this..Note to self: stop ruminating on SELF

Monday, September 24, 2007

Once there was a girl with a big heart
So pure and innocent, where love abounded
Convictions so true, her manner was art
Given to temper, speedy to turn around

And it happened that this lass fell in love
He was not a hero, merely playing his role
Poured unto him, everything in her inner trove
They fluttered, they soared, two mynahs on a hyperbole

A vice unto him his confusion, about all
Time went awaiting, like a prisoner for the gallows
To beg for cognisance, a mynah slighted by his gall
Procrastinating seasons went by, her heart had become hollow

On the appointed day, the deed was done
A bond broken, life's promises at the tip of a gun
She limped away, his ignorance did stun
Closed her mind's eye, an end with no reconciliation

In dark moors did he wander, searching for his gem
He had it all along, her soul in his dreamcatcher
The tunnel grew dark, an angel did he condemn
Forth with the stake, his heart belonged to her

So began our actor's quest, unto her dark veil
For he was a hero now, and without her no return

Thursday, September 13, 2007

I am trying to pull out of my desperation. Look at more positive things. Focus on other things like the job hunt and reading. Still miss her a lot. Feel like there's a hole in me. Its especially hard to know that she is moving on.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Its over. She said she is not coming back...:-(

Sunday, September 9, 2007

The break up

Well I am not regular what one reads it girlfriend reads it ocassionally, maybe she will read this...well she is my ex-girlfriend now...she broke up with me...Now after everything has happened, I realise my folly and I drove her away by my actions. Now I am begging her to come back, but she will have none of it..I feel like I have lost everything and she was the last good thing in my life. Too bad I did not recognize this earlier, it could have been so different..We had an epic relationship spaning over two and a half years and by my count seven to eight breakups. Most of them were instigated by me, over some stupid reason or the other that I would dream up, and I would tell her and break her heart with it. No matter how hard I tried, I could not stay away and I always came back under some pretext or the other. Now she is gone...and I realise she was everything to me. The chances of my winning her back are very slim...she just sees me as this needy and desperate person, she sees me as a friend who is going through a tough break up. She feels she has to be there as a friend to help me through this difficult time. If only i would have done things differently...I have managed to break my own heart

I try telling her that all the times I broke up with her, I came back. So she owes me one chance at least so that I can make one last try. But alas, she is much more resolute than me and her mind is practically made up. I wish there was some way for me to fight, but there doesnt seem to be. My world has diminished to pointless reminiscing and wishing things were different. I dont know where to go from here. I dont think I am strong to claw myself out of this hole. Hurting and punishing myself seems to have become a passtime of every which way.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Break Up

Today I broke up with my girlfriend of two years. Quite hard to take.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Failure sucks

I have been trying hard to achieve something over the past several months. I dont want to give too much away, but suffice to say that it should'nt be a very tough task to achieve. But no matter what I do, no matter how I do it, I have had no success. Whoever said failures are learning opportunities are just that, sore losers who cant make it. I have been feeling really down from this particular failure, just not clear on what other way I should approach it. Multiple failures only serve to create a crisis of confidence, which means that we will not be able to give it your 100 percent in subsequent attempts. Its a vicious downward spiral and is quite difficult to break free from. I am pretty hard hit and depressed by the repeated lack of success. Why does something have to be so difficult when people around you are able to do it without so much difficulty. Really makes you doubt yourself.

Anyways, it is problem and has to be tackled somehow. Will have to think for this one...pretty hard.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Well its been a long time since the last blog...but who cares, its not like I have some avid readers. Things have changed from when I wrote previously. I have shifted base temporarily to Scotland. Its a beautiful place with lots of countryside, but all that you have heard about the UK weather is so true...because the weather really sucks. I am doing some IT consulting work at a client location - mostly boring and routine work.