Tuesday, November 6, 2007

So what is dysfunction all about?..Dysfunctional relationships don't just mean sexual and physical abuse, nor is it limited to families where family members are detrimentally enslaved to their respective addictions. It could be a family where people have learned to live without love. To be there just for the sake of it, because the blood lines have to be maintained. And what's it like? Pretty sad, to be in a place where family members feel limited and constrained to the moulds society has prepared..where the love and affection that is supposed to be the basis of a family is just absent! It saddens you deeply, and although you want to, you know that there is really nothing you can do to change the situation. All that you can hope for is that you don't fall into the same trap. That the family you create with your significant other does not follow the same path. You hope that the lives of your significant other and your children are not affected by all this baggage that you have.

Somehow, these days, everything in my extended family and that in my own seem quite dysfunctional. I remember everything being so pleasant and good when I was young. I guess the younglings are shielded from such facts and so they grow up feeling they have a perfect and happy family. Then suddenly one day, they're grown and up and everything they used to know is very different. Why do families have to be so schizophrenic? everything is a facade..and this true for most families I know..

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