Monday, November 20, 2006

An introduction

Thought I should start to put my thoughts down somewhere...and somehow defeat that little conniving voice inside your head that keeps you from studiously maintaining a diary or a journal. I really have no clue if I should write on some theme or just generally mouth off about anything and everything. Not that I expect this little blog of mine is going to get a wonderful reception and be read by people all over the world...but hey, what's the harm in dreaming a bit.

I used to maintain a journal. Entries were daily at first, but that gradually degenerated to weekly, monthly and even a few yearly entries. Now that journal lies in some forgotten nook of my parent's home.... but somehow it always used to be interesting to go through the earlier posts and be amazed at how naive and stubborn I used to be. That's the motivation behind this effort. Of course, we never know if a journal/blog maintained here on blogger will stand the test of can never tell the way Google is pulling all stops to rule the planet.

Another important decision is whether to remain anonymous on this blog and be able to completely express my thoughts and offend anyone I want to...or to take the more courageous route of expressing my thoughts with a published identity. I absolutely hate making decisions of any kind. So I'll procrastinate on that decision, and for now, just describe myself briefly.

I am one of those people who still don't know what to do with their lives. I have got degrees in engineering and business, and worked in IT. Yup mostly followed where the herd went....well at least its safe and I didn't end up as an unemployed waste of breathing space. That said, I am currently a well paid and highly regarded waste of breathing space. I hate my job (don't we all...). I would love the freedom of doing my own thing but just cant seem to let go of the security of a salaried job. So its pretty evident that I hate the decisions bit and just have too many likes to be 'focused' on something. I am in a serious long running relationship, but I am not sure if it is what I really want. I have no favorite music or food. I am the generalist par excellence.

So that's least at this point of my life. Why 'Wicked Willow Tree', no reason in particular... The target is a blog a day, lets pray I dont fall victim to the diminishing returns rule again.

And I have the habit of putting '...' everywhere. Please forgive the intrusion to reading if it is one. I like to think of it as a signal to pause for a moment and gather your thoughts.

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